Work from Home Application

Swipepoint has introduced an employee application for working from home, making the remote work process more convenient and efficient. Employees can easily apply for remote work through the app, and once submitted, supervisors receive immediate notifications and can decide whether to approve based on the circumstances. This feature facilitates effective communication between supervisors and employees, providing teams with flexible work mode options and ensuring smooth business operations regardless of the team's location.

With the increasing popularity of remote work and home office arrangements, 'Brush Point' has also kept pace by adding a feature that allows employees to apply for home office work. Employees can now directly submit home office applications through our application. This feature not only simplifies and streamlines the process of applying for remote work but also provides an opportunity for effective communication between supervisors and employees regarding work arrangements. Once an employee submits a home office application, their immediate supervisor will be notified. The supervisor can review the application and decide whether to approve it based on the actual situation and needs. 'Brush Point' aims to create a user-friendly and flexible HR management environment, and our home office application feature embodies this commitment. Whether your team works from anywhere, we are dedicated to making your business operations smoother and more efficient.

* Some of the above features are being tested and will be launched soon, please stay tuned for software updates.
Wherever you are, record attendance accurately

Wherever you are, record attendance accurately

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