
Definition in SWIPEPOINT.

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  • Clock-in

    In SWIPEPOINT, clock-in is a way to record employees' attendance, including clock-in and clock-out times, as well as break times and overtime hours. There are various methods of clock-in, such as button clock-in, QR code scanning, GPS positioning, Wi-Fi positioning, or Bluetooth connectivity. It enables the tracking and recording of employees' working hours, which is important for calculating wages and managing work efficiency.。

  • Clock-in spot

    In SWIPEPOINT, "Clock-in spot" refers to the location where employees can clock in or check in. This can be a fixed place, such as the office, or the site of business trips or branch offices. The clock-in spot can be determined through GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or other methods of positioning. Depending on the company's requirements, one or multiple clock-in locations can be set up to accurately track and manage employees' attendance status.。

  • WFH

    In SWIPEPOINT, "Work From Home" (WFH) means that employees work at their own residences. WFH has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. WFH provides flexibility in terms of working hours and location, allowing for a better work-life balance. SWIPEPOINT® enables employees to clock in from their homes, ensuring that the company can track and manage their working hours even in non-traditional work environments. Employees can also submit WFH requests through SWIPEPOINT, which can be reviewed and approved by their supervisors.。

  • Remote work

    In SWIPEPOINT, "remote work" refers to employees working outside of the office, which may include attending meetings or visiting clients. As employees need to move between multiple locations, SWIPEPOINT® provides a reliable way to track their work hours and locations. SWIPEPOINT® offers clock-in methods such as GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and QR code scanning, allowing employees to clock in from any location and record their clock-in time and location accurately. This ensures the company can maintain precise records of employees' work hours and monitor their work efficiency. Additionally, employees can utilize the "Safety check" feature to keep supervisors informed about their work progress and location, ensuring a smooth workflow.。

  • Job tenure

    In SWIPEPOINT, "job tenure" refers to the number of years that an employee has worked at the same company. It is an important factor in calculating employee salaries, promotions, and benefits such as annual leave. For companies, understanding employees' job tenure helps in developing corresponding human resources policies, such as providing higher wages or more vacation days for senior employees. In SWIPEPOINT, job tenure can be automatically calculated. Employees can also check their job tenure to understand their entitlements.。

  • Clock-in time

    In SWIPEPOINT, "clock-in time" refers to the specific time when employees clock in. This includes the clock-in time when employees start their work and the clock-out time when they finish. Clock-in time is an important record of employees' attendance and serves as the basis for calculating working hours, wages, and overtime pay. It helps prevent errors. Additionally, SWIPEPOINT® provides various clock-in methods such as GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or QR code scanning, allowing employees to easily clock in from any location at any time.。

  • Lateness

    In SWIPEPOINT, employees arriving at the office unpunctual means they are late. Each company may have different policies, with some allowing a few minutes of lateness and others requiring employees to arrive on time. Arriving late may affect their performance evaluation, salary, and promotion opportunities. Moreover, the multiple clock-in methods in SWIPEPOINT® enhance convenience and reduce error records caused by the inability to clock in.。

  • Not clocking out

    "Not clocking out" means that employees forget or are unable to clock out when they get off work. This results in inaccurate recording, which can affect wages, overtime pay, and performance evaluations. SWIPEPOINT® offers various convenient clock-in methods, including GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and QR code scanning, enabling employees to easily clock in from any location. Additionally, "SWIPEPOINT" can set reminders to prevent employees from forgetting to clock out. In cases of missed clock-outs, supervisors can make up the clock in for employees to ensure accurate recording of working hours.。

  • Workforce roster

    A workforce roster can be used to organize and visualize employee attendance, work schedules, leaves, and overtime. The workforce roster not only helps managers verify each employee's work hours and location but also provides an overview of attendance status, making personnel management more efficient. Supervisors can clearly understand employees' attendance status and easily manage their work hours and schedules through SWIPEPOINT. Additionally, employees will find it easier to plan their leaves. This makes SWIPEPOINT® an ideal tool for workforce management in businesses.。

  • Clock-in hours

    "Clock-in hours" refers to the actual working hours of employees, based on their clock-in and clock-out times, and may include overtime and break time. Clock-in hours are important for calculating wages, overtime pay, and performance evaluation in the HR department. With the automated recording and calculation of clock-in hours in SWIPEPOINT, companies can ensure fair compensation and avoid disputes arising from manual calculation errors. Additionally, clock-in hours provide insights into work efficiency, help in scheduling work shifts, and determine the need for staffing adjustments. By better understanding and managing employee work status, companies can improve overall operational efficiency.。

  • Work shifts

    "Work shifts" refers to the period during which employees are engaged in work. It is based on the employees' on-duty and off-duty times, excluding break hours. Work shifts may vary depending on the specific requirements of each company, such as morning shifts or night shifts. Work shifts must comply with labor law regulations. Work shifts are used to calculate employee clock-in hours, wages, overtime pay, and more. SWIPEPOINT® automatically calculates work hours based on employees' clock-in and clock-out times, ensuring accurate attendance records. SWIPEPOINT® provides flexible Work shift settings, including fixed hours, flexible hours, and shift scheduling, to meet the requirements of companies.。

  • Work hours

    Work hours refers to the actual time that employees spend working. It can be calculated based on their on-duty and off-duty times, including any break hours. Work hours are used to calculate employee clock-in hours, wages, overtime pay, and others. Tracking and recording work hours is an important task in HR management. SWIPEPOINT® automatically records and calculates employees' work hours, generating detailed reports that assist companies in better management. SWIPEPOINT® provides various work hour settings and options, such as standard work hours, flexible work hours, and shift scheduling, to meet the requirements of companies.。

  • Perfect attendance

    Perfect attendance refers to employees consistently showing up to work on time without being late, leaving early, or being absent.。

  • Perfect attendance bonus

    Perfect attendance bonus is a reward given to employees who have not been late, left early, been absent, or taken leave during a specific month. It encourages employees to maintain perfect attendance and avoid any absences. When employees consistently show up on time and stay until the end of their shifts, they not only accomplish more tasks but also actively participate in team collaboration, thereby enhancing work efficiency. The perfect attendance bonus serves as recognition for this behavior. However, companies should also ensure that employees can take leave when necessary, such as for illness. This is an important aspect of safeguarding employee rights and promoting their well-being.。

  • Attendance

    Employees arrive at the workplace and perform their duties during working hours.。

  • Absence

    Employees do not show up during working hours without being informed.。

  • Lateness

    Employees arrive at the workplace after the designated working hours.。

  • Early leave

    Employees leaving the workplace before the designated working hours.。

  • Abnormal Punch

    Employees' clock-in or clock-out times do not match with the designated working hours. This can occur due to lateness, early leaves, or missed punches.。

  • Take leave

    Employees are unable to attend work during the working hours due to illness or other reasons, but have informed the company in advance and obtained approval.。

  • Work overtime

    Working additional hours beyond the normal or designated working hours.。

  • National holiday

    National holidays are typically non-working days, and employees have the right to take time off from work.。

  • Personal leave

    The time off taken by employees for personal reasons. It requires approval from the company and it is unpaid leave.。

  • Official leave

    Due to government regulations, official duties, or company policies, employees can have official leave.。

  • Marriage leave

    Marriage leave refers to the time granted to employees due to their marriage.。

  • Bereavement Leave

    Bereavement Leave refers to the time granted to employees when a close family member passes away.。

  • Annual leave

    Employees who reach a certain length of service in their employment can have annual leave.。

  • Maternity leave

    Maternity leave refers to the time granted to employees after pregnancy and childbirth, during which their wages and positions are protected.。

  • Parental leave

    Parental leave is the time off granted to employees for childbirth or caring for a newborn.。

  • Sick Leave

    The paid leave granted to employees who require rest due to illness or injury, supported by proper medical documentation.。

  • Compensatory leave

    The additional time off granted to employees for working on a rest day.。

  • Time in lieu

    Two employees exchange their work schedules with each other due to personal or other reasons.。

  • Rest day

    Non-working day of each week, which is usually Saturday and Sunday.。

  • Attendance Record

    Attendance Record refers to employees' attendance status.。

  • Shift System

    Employees' working hours are divided into several fixed shifts, such as morning, afternoon, and night shift.。

  • Remote Work

    Employees don't need to be in the office but instead work from home or other locations. For instance, if an employee is on a long-term business trip, remote work can be a solution.。

  • Flexible work time

    Employees having the freedom to choose their working time, as long as they meet the required work hours.。

  • Unpaid Leave

    Employees cannot receive wages while they are on leave, which they requested.。

  • Paid Leave

    Employees can receive wages while they are on leave.。

  • Paid Time Off, PTO

    Paid Time Off allows employees to take time off with paid. It includes annual leave, sick leave, and maternity leave.。

  • Overtime Pay

    The additional compensation that employees receive for working beyond their regular working hours.。

  • Home Leave

    Employees who work in a different location visiting their family.。

  • Employee business trip

    The temporary absence of employees from the company to engage in business activities.。

  • Full-time

    Employee's working hours meet or exceed the standard working hours set by the company.。

  • Part-time

    Employees work for fewer hours than the standard working hours.。

  • Temporary worker

    Temporary workers who are hired to complete specific tasks or for a specific time.。

  • Flexible Working Hours

    Employees have the ability to choose their working and resting hours within a certain timeframe.。

  • Flextime

    Employees allow to choose their work hours, as long as they meet the required work hours.。

  • Gig Economy

    People who work for short-term, temporary, or freelance work.。

  • Attendance Anomaly

    Unusual or abnormal attendance for employees, such as being late, leaving early, or forgetting to clock in.。

  • Organizational Structure

    The roles and responsibilities of employees within the company.。

  • Salary Structure

    Employee salaries based on job position, experience, and job skills.。

  • Shift System

    Employees work in shifts, covering different times, to ensure continuous 24-hour operation of a business or service.。

  • Overtime Work

    Working beyond the regular working hours results in additional payment.。

  • Onsite Work

    On-site work" refers to employees working at the premises of a client or another company.。

  • Job Rotation

    Employees working in different job positions or roles to gain experience and skills.。

  • Time banking

    Employees can accumulate their overtime hours in a time bank and use these hours as paid time off in the future.。

  • Employee Retention

    Company's efforts to retain talented employees through policies.。

  • Workforce management

    Workforce management can maximize employee performance and optimize the cost of utilizing human resources, including workforce forecasting, scheduling, attendance, and reports.。

  • Demand forecasting of Human Resources

    Demand forecasting of human resources is a part of workforce management (WFM) used to predict business growth and the number of employees required.。

  • Employee Scheduling

    Arranging employees' work hours to ensure that there are enough staff to meet business demand.。

  • Time and Attendance Management

    Tracking and recording employees' work hours and attendance to calculate wages and manage human resources effectively.。

  • Key performance indicators

    KPIs refer to the measurable standards used to assess the performance of employees, teams, or companies.。

  • Resource Optimization

    Maximizing business outcomes within given resource constraints.。

  • Real-Time Management

    Monitoring and adjusting business operations to ensure the achievement of business objectives.。

  • Flexible Work Arrangements

    Employees with flexible working hours or the option to choose their work location.。

  • Remote Work

    Employees work at home or other locations.。

  • Part-Time Work

    Employees' working hours are less than the standard working hours.。

  • Business Trip

    Temporary or long-term trips undertaken by employees in order to attend meetings, sign contracts, explore new business opportunities, or resolve issues.。

  • Travel Expenses

    The costs spent by employees during business trips, such as transportation, meals, accommodation, etc. These expenses may be reimbursed by the company or employees may be required to pay them upfront and then claim reimbursement.。

  • Reimbursement

    The necessary expenses that employees incur during a business trip can be applied for reimbursement after the trip.。

  • Per Diem

    The payment provided by the company to employees on business trips, covering meals, accommodation, and other daily living expenses during the trip.。

  • Itinerary

    The planned schedule for a business trip, including the departure and return dates, as well as the meetings, events, and other activities.。

  • WHF

    Working from home or a location outside the office, often chosen by employees due to COVID-19 or work arrangements.。

  • Co-working Space

    A business service model that provides office facilities and environments for freelancers, entrepreneurs, remote workers, or small businesses.。

  • Hybrid Work Model

    Hybrid work combines office-based work and remote work, allowing employees to choose the most suitable work mode based on their needs.。

Wherever you are, record attendance accurately

Wherever you are, record attendance accurately

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