NFC Tags

Explanation of NFC tags and chip stickers used for NFC touch points.

NFC Tags

Many NFC chip stickers (NFC Tags) are compatible with both iOS and Android devices as long as they adhere to NFC Forum standards. Here are some common types and brands of NFC tags that work on most Apple and Android devices:

Common Types of NFC Tags

Tag Type Tag Description
NFC Forum
Type 1 Tags
Typical Chip
Topaz 512
Storage Capacity
96 bytes to 2 kilobytes
Chip Features
Slower read/write speed, but cost-effective
NFC Forum
Type 2 Tags
Typical Chip
NXP MIFARE Ultralight, Ultralight C
Storage Capacity
48 bytes to 2 kilobytes
Chip Features
Moderate read/write speed, widely used
NFC Forum
Type 3 Tags
Typical Chip
Sony FeliCa
Storage Capacity
Several kilobytes
Chip Features
Fast read/write speed, less common
NFC Forum
Type 4 Tags
Typical Chip
NXP DESFire, NTAG 21x series
Storage Capacity
Several kilobytes to 8 kilobytes
Chip Features
High security, fast speed, suitable for complex applications
NFC Forum
Type 5 Tags
Typical Chip
STMicroelectronics ST25TA, NXP ICODE
Storage Capacity
Several kilobytes
Chip Features
Long read/write distance

Compatible NFC Tag Brands

NXP NTAG Series Such as NTAG213, NTAG215, NTAG216. These tags are widely used and highly compatible.
MIFARE Ultralight Series Commonly used in ticketing, access control, and more.
Topaz 512 Cost-effective, suitable for basic NFC applications.
Sony FeliCa Mainly used in the Asian market, especially in Japan.
STMicroelectronics ST25 Series Offers various capacities and feature options.

Recommended NFC Tags

NTAG213 Widely compatible, suitable for most simple applications.
NTAG215 Larger storage capacity, suitable for medium complexity applications.
NTAG216 Large storage capacity, suitable for applications requiring large data storage.


Storage Capacity

Choose the appropriate storage capacity based on specific applications.

For example, simple serial numbers or URL storage may require minimal storage, whereas complex data exchanges may require larger storage capacities.

Security For applications requiring higher security, choose tags that support encryption such as NXP DESFire.
Read/Write Cycles Some applications require frequent read/write operations; choose tags that support high read/write cycles.
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