Emergency Contacts

Swipepoint, as a comprehensive human resource management tool, places importance on employee safety and health. We have added a feature to store emergency contact information in the application. Each employee's profile includes emergency contact information to ensure quick contact by supervisors or HR in case of emergencies at the workplace or during work hours. This feature reflects our concern for employee well-being and demonstrates our commitment to creating a caring work environment. Through Swipepoint, enterprise management becomes more comprehensive and efficient.

SWIPEPOINT® is a comprehensive human resources management tool, and we prioritize the safety and well-being of your employees above all else. That's why we've included a feature in our application for storing emergency contact information. Each employee's personal profile includes details of their emergency contacts. In the unfortunate event that an employee encounters an emergency situation at the workplace or during working hours, supervisors or HR personnel can immediately use SWIPEPOINT® to locate and contact the employee's emergency contacts. This design ensures a quick and effective response to any emergency situation. This feature is part of our commitment to employee well-being and demonstrates our dedication to creating a work environment that cares for its employees. The SWIPEPOINT® application is designed to provide a comprehensive human resources management solution, making your company's operations smoother and more efficient.

* Some of the above features are being tested and will be launched soon, please stay tuned for software updates.
Wherever you are, record attendance accurately

Wherever you are, record attendance accurately

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