Organization and Mode

Top left of the screen > Organization and Mode

Click on "Organization and Mode" in the top left of the screen to perform the following actions:

  • Create New Organization: Click "Create New Organization", enter the organization name, and the new organization will be created.
  • Switch Organization: View and switch between the organizations you have created or joined.
  • Switch Mode: If you are a creator or administrator, you can switch freely between Check-in Mode and Management Mode.
  • Version Number: Displays the current version number of SwipePoint you are using.

Create New Organization

Top left of the screen > Management Mode > Create New Organization

Switch to Management Mode, click the "Create New Organization" button, then enter the organization name and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to create the new organization. After creating a new organization, you will automatically become the creator of that organization.

Delete Organization

To delete an organization, go to My Organizations, and then find the "Delete Organization" option at the bottom of the page.

Management Mode > Organization > My Organizations > Delete Organization

Join Organization

Top left of the screen > Check-in Mode > Join Organization

Switch to Check-in Mode, click the "Join Organization" button, and then enter the invitation code or scan the QR code to join the organization. At the bottom of the screen, you can see which organizations you have joined or are waiting to be approved by.

Organization List

Top left of the screen > Organization List

All the organizations you have created or joined will be listed in the Organization List. Click on the organization name to switch between different organizations. If you are the creator of the organization, a person icon will appear next to the organization name. Organizations without this icon indicate that you are a manager or employee of the organization but not the creator.

Switch Mode

Top left of the screen > Check-in Mode / Management Mode

If you are the creator or administrator of an organization, you can switch freely between "Check-in Mode" and "Management Mode". Employees without management permissions cannot switch modes; they can only use Check-in Mode.

Version Number

Top left of the screen > Version Number

Displays the current version of SwipePoint you are using, in the format Version x.xx.x.

Keep updated to the latest version to enjoy continuous optimizations and improvements to SwipePoint.