Export Detailed Attendance Records (CSV)

Admin Mode > Attendance Records and Management > Export Detailed Attendance Records (CSV) > Select Start and End Dates

The detailed attendance record fields exported are in English, with their corresponding Chinese translations as follows:

No. English Field Chinese Field
1 Date 打卡日期
2 Time 打卡時間
3 Status 狀態
4 Schedule 值班
5 Attendance 考勤
6 Checkpoint 打卡點
7 GPS GPS位置(緯度,經度)
8 WiFi Wi-Fi
9 Bluetooth 藍牙
11 Overtime 加班
12 Approved 補打卡
13 Created 管理員新增紀錄
14 Notes 備註

Resolving Garbled Characters Issue

When opening a CSV file in Excel on Windows, garbled characters might appear if the file's encoding format doesn't match Excel's default encoding. Excel typically prefers ANSI (e.g., Big5) or UTF-16 encoding, whereas most systems or programs export CSV files in UTF-8.

Method 1: Save the CSV File with a Compatible Encoding Format

  1. Open the CSV file using a text editor (e.g., Notepad++ or VS Code).
  2. Select Save As.
  3. In the encoding options, choose ANSI (use Big5 for Traditional Chinese environments) or UTF-8 with BOM.
  4. Save the file and reopen it in Excel.

Method 2: Use Excel's "Text Import Wizard"

  1. Open Excel and create a blank worksheet.
  2. Go to Data > Get Data > From Text/CSV (or select "Import Text File" based on the version).
  3. Browse and select your CSV file.
  4. During the import process, choose the correct encoding format (e.g., UTF-8 or Big5).
  5. Complete the process to import the data correctly.

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