Clock-In Point Settings

Path to Clock-In Point Settings:

Management Mode > Clock-In Records and Management > Clock-In Point Settings

Number of Clock-In Points

The system allows for the setup of up to 100 clock-in points.

Clock-In Point Names

Administrators can customize the names of clock-in points, such as Tainan Branch, Warehouse, New Construction Site, etc.

Clock-In Methods

Each clock-in point can have specific clock-in methods, including:

  1. Button Tap Clock-In
  2. Scanning a Static QR Code
  3. Scanning a Dynamic QR Code
  4. Scanning an NFC Tag
  5. Restricting Clock-In by GPS Range
  6. Restricting Clock-In by Bluetooth Range
  7. Restricting Clock-In by Wi-Fi Point

Clock-In Range: GPS > Wi-Fi > Bluetooth > QR Code > NFC

Button Tap Clock-In

The button tap clock-in feature, combined with GPS positioning, provides an effective way for companies to manage employee attendance. This feature ensures accuracy in clock-in time and location by recording GPS coordinates, preventing employees from clocking in at non-work locations.

Feature Overview:

  • GPS Positioning: Records GPS coordinates during clock-in to ensure location accuracy.
  • Real-Time Data: Clock-in data is transmitted in real-time to the backend system for easy management.

How to Use:

  1. Enable Network: Ensure the employee’s phone is connected to the internet.
  2. Tap Clock-In Button: The employee taps the clock-in button in the designated app or platform.
  3. GPS Location Record: The system automatically records the GPS coordinates and time of the clock-in.
  4. Data Sync: Clock-in data is instantly synced to the backend system for management review and analysis.


  • Efficient and Convenient: Employees can clock in with just a tap, making the process simple and quick.
  • Accurate Management: GPS positioning ensures the authenticity of the clock-in location, preventing attendance fraud.
  • Cost Savings: No need for traditional time clocks and paper cards, reducing equipment and maintenance costs.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Reduces the use of paper cards, contributing to environmental conservation.

Applicable Scenarios:

  • Remote Work: Suitable for employees working remotely or from home.
  • Field Work: Ideal for employees who need to work outside the office, such as sales and service personnel.
  • Office Environment: Suitable for employees working at fixed locations.

Important Notes:

  • Network Connection: Ensure a stable network connection during clock-in to avoid issues due to poor signal.
  • GPS Signal: Ensure a good GPS signal during clock-in for accurate location recording.

The button tap clock-in feature, combined with GPS positioning, offers a flexible, efficient, and cost-effective attendance management solution, significantly improving management efficiency and accuracy.

Scanning a Static QR Code

Scanning a static QR code for clock-in is a simple and efficient attendance method, suitable for large numbers of employees, effectively reducing queuing time.

Feature Overview:

  • Simple Operation: Employees can clock in by scanning a static QR code, without needing a password or special equipment.
  • Real-Time Data: Clock-in data is transmitted instantly to the backend system for easy management and monitoring.

How to Use:

  1. Set Up Static QR Code: Place a static QR code at the clock-in point, available for employees to scan at any time.
  2. Employee Clock-In: Employees use their mobile phones to scan the QR code, and the system automatically records the clock-in time and location.
  3. Data Recording: Clock-in data is instantly synced to the backend system for management review and analysis.


  • Efficient and Convenient: The clock-in process is quick and suitable for large numbers of employees, reducing waiting times.
  • Cost Savings: No need for expensive hardware and maintenance costs, just a mobile phone and a static QR code.
  • Data Security: Clock-in data is transmitted securely through encryption technology.

Applicable Scenarios:

  • Office Entrances: Suitable for employees at fixed work locations.
  • Meeting Rooms: Ideal for scenarios where clocking in at a meeting room is required.
  • Construction Sites: Suitable for situations requiring clock-ins at multiple locations.

Important Notes:

  • Network Connection: Ensure a stable network connection at the clock-in location to avoid issues due to poor signal.
  • Phone Scanning Capability: Ensure employees' phones can scan QR codes.

Definition of QR Code:

A QR code is a square, two-dimensional barcode that can store various types of data, including text, numbers, and links.


  • High Error Tolerance: Can still be correctly read even if part of the QR code is damaged.
  • Fast Reading: Its structure allows for quick reading and decoding.
  • Wide Application: Used in advertising, payment systems, logistics, and many other fields.

Scanning a static QR code for clock-in has become an ideal choice for many companies due to its convenience, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, significantly improving attendance management efficiency and accuracy.

Scanning a Dynamic QR Code

Scanning a dynamic QR code for clock-in is a secure and efficient attendance method, suitable for various work environments. This QR code updates periodically, enhancing security and reducing the risk of clock-in fraud.

Feature Overview:

  • High Security: The dynamic QR code updates automatically, so even if a screenshot is taken, it cannot be reused.
  • Simple Operation: Employees can clock in by scanning the QR code with their mobile phones, without needing special equipment or remembering a password.
  • Real-Time Updates: Clock-in data is instantly synced to the backend system for management review and analysis.

How to Use:

  1. Set Up Dynamic QR Code: Place a dynamic QR code at the clock-in point, which the system will automatically generate and update regularly.
  2. Employee Clock-In: Employees use their mobile phones to scan the QR code, and the system automatically records the clock-in time and location.
  3. Data Recording: Clock-in data is instantly synced to the backend system for management review and analysis.


  • Cost Savings: No need for expensive hardware; it can be implemented using existing devices.
  • Eco-Friendly and Convenient: Reduces the use of physical cards, making it more environmentally friendly.
  • Flexible Application: Suitable for various work environments without the need for specialized hardware.

Applicable Scenarios:

  • Office Environments: Suitable for employees at fixed work locations.
  • Mobile Clock-In: Ideal for employees who need to clock in at multiple locations.
  • Remote Work: Suitable for scenarios where employees work in different locations.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure Network Connection: Ensure a stable network connection at the clock-in location to avoid issues due to poor signal.
  • Phone Scanning Capability: Ensure employees' phones can scan QR codes.

Scanning a dynamic QR code for clock-in combines high security with easy operation, offering a modern attendance solution that significantly improves management efficiency and accuracy.

Scanning an NFC Tag

NFC (Near Field Communication) clock-in is a highly efficient, accurate, and convenient attendance method, particularly suitable for companies looking to enhance attendance accuracy and reduce management complexity.

Feature Overview:

  • High Security: NFC requires close proximity, ensuring that each clock-in is unique and genuine.
  • Low Power Consumption: NFC clock-in does not significantly impact device battery life.
  • Fast and Time-Saving: Clock-in can be completed quickly without waiting for location or other communication protocols.

How to Use:

  1. Set Up NFC Transmitter: Install an NFC transmitter at the clock-in point, such as an NFC reader or other NFC devices.
  2. Employee Clock-In: Employees bring their NFC-enabled device close to the clock-in point, and the system automatically records the clock-in time and location.
  3. Data Recording: Clock-in data is instantly synced to the backend system for management review and analysis.


  • Streamlined Process: Reduces manual errors and speeds up the clock-in process.
  • High Accuracy: Each NFC device has a unique identifier, reducing the risk of fraud.
  • Real-Time Data: Clock-in data is updated instantly for easy monitoring and query by managers.
  • Cost Savings: No need for dedicated time clocks, implementation is possible with existing devices.

NFC clock-in is an advanced attendance solution fully supported by SwipePoint. Compared to GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, NFC is more secure, energy-efficient, and effective in clock-in systems, making it ideal for various businesses.

Restricting Clock-In by GPS Range

GPS clock-in is an efficient and precise attendance method, especially suitable for employees working remotely or in the field.

Feature Overview:

  • Location Recognition: Uses the phone's GPS to confirm the employee's location, ensuring they are working at the designated site.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Managers can view employee locations in real-time, making it easier to monitor work progress and time.

How to Use:

  1. Enable GPS: Employees should enable the GPS function on their phones.
  2. Automatic Clock-In: The system automatically records the employee's location and clock-in time.
  3. Data Recording: Clock-in data is instantly recorded on the company's server for management review.


  • Efficient Management: Improves transparency and accuracy in attendance management.
  • Convenient Clock-In: Employees can clock in from any location, reducing dependence on fixed time clocks.
  • Cost Savings: No need to purchase and maintain traditional time clocks, saving costs.
  • Data Analysis: GPS clock-in data can be used for work pattern and route planning analysis, improving management efficiency.

Applicable Scenarios:

  • Field Work: Such as sales, service, and installation jobs that require frequent movement


  • Remote Work: Ideal for employees working from different locations.
  • Construction Sites: Suitable for workers on construction sites.

Important Notes:

  • GPS Signal: Ensure the phone has a strong GPS signal for accurate clock-in.
  • Power Consumption: GPS clock-in may consume more battery, so employees should keep their phones charged.
  • Location Privacy: The system encrypts location data to protect user privacy.

Restricting clock-in by GPS range provides a flexible and reliable attendance method, offering a modern solution that enhances management efficiency and accuracy.

Restricting Clock-In by Bluetooth Range

Bluetooth clock-in is a reliable and efficient attendance method, ideal for employees working within fixed areas.

Feature Overview:

  • Automatic Recognition: The Bluetooth clock-in system recognizes employees automatically when they enter the clock-in range.
  • High Efficiency: Employees need only carry their phones; the system records their clock-in without manual input.
  • High Security: Bluetooth clock-in accurately identifies employees' phones, reducing attendance fraud risks.

How to Use:

  1. Set Up Bluetooth Beacon: Place a Bluetooth beacon at the clock-in point, which continuously emits a Bluetooth signal.
  2. Employee Clock-In: Employees carry their phones within the Bluetooth range, and the system automatically records the clock-in time and location.
  3. Data Recording: Clock-in data is instantly synced to the backend system for management review.


  • Hands-Free: No manual operation required, providing a seamless and quick clock-in process.
  • Accurate Recognition: Bluetooth clock-in uses unique device identifiers, reducing the chance of attendance fraud.
  • Data Analysis: Clock-in data can be analyzed to optimize management processes.

Applicable Scenarios:

  • Office Environments: Suitable for employees working at fixed locations.
  • Manufacturing and Production Lines: Ideal for workers in assembly lines or production environments.
  • Service Industries: Suitable for workers in hotels, restaurants, and other service industries.

Important Notes:

  • Bluetooth Signal: Ensure the phone’s Bluetooth is enabled and within range for accurate clock-in.
  • Power Consumption: Bluetooth clock-in may consume more battery, so employees should keep their phones charged.

Restricting clock-in by Bluetooth range is a reliable and secure attendance method, significantly improving management efficiency and accuracy.

Restricting Clock-In by Wi-Fi Point

Wi-Fi clock-in is an efficient and accurate attendance method, particularly suitable for companies aiming to enhance clock-in efficiency and reduce management complexity.

Feature Overview:

  • High Security: Wi-Fi clock-in requires employees to connect to a designated Wi-Fi network, reducing attendance fraud.
  • Efficient and Fast: Clock-in is automatic once connected to the Wi-Fi, saving time and effort.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Managers can monitor clock-in data in real-time through the backend system, improving management efficiency.

How to Use:

  1. Set Up Wi-Fi Point: Install a designated Wi-Fi point at the clock-in location.
  2. Automatic Clock-In: Employees automatically clock in when connected to the designated Wi-Fi.
  3. Data Sync: Clock-in data is instantly recorded on the company server for management review.


  • Time-Saving: Reduces manual clock-in procedures, increasing efficiency.
  • High Accuracy: Only allows clock-in when connected to the specified Wi-Fi network, ensuring attendance accuracy.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Managers can view attendance data in real-time, improving transparency and control.

Applicable Scenarios:

  • Fixed Workplaces: Suitable for employees working in office environments.
  • Factories: Ideal for assembly line or production workers.
  • Service Industries: Suitable for workers in hotels, restaurants, and other service industries.

Important Notes:

  • Wi-Fi Coverage: Ensure the Wi-Fi signal is strong enough to cover the clock-in area.
  • Network Stability: Ensure network stability to avoid clock-in failures due to connection issues.

Restricting clock-in by Wi-Fi point is a reliable, efficient, and secure attendance method, significantly improving management efficiency and accuracy.

Restricting Clock-In by GPS Range

GPS-based clock-in is an efficient and precise attendance method, especially suitable for employees working in the field or remotely.

Feature Overview

  • Location Recognition: Utilizes the phone's GPS to verify the employee's location, ensuring they are working at the designated site.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Managers can view employee locations in real-time, facilitating work progress and time monitoring.

How to Use

  1. Enable GPS: Employees should enable the GPS function on their phones.
  2. Automatic Clock-In: The system automatically records the employee's location and clock-in time.
  3. Data Recording: Clock-in data is instantly recorded on the company's server for management review.


  • Efficient Management: Enhances transparency and accuracy in attendance management.
  • Convenient Clock-In: Employees can clock in from any location, reducing dependence on fixed time clocks.
  • Cost Savings: Eliminates the need for purchasing and maintaining traditional time clocks.
  • Data Analysis: GPS clock-in data can be used for analyzing work patterns and route planning, improving management efficiency.

Applicable Scenarios

  • Field Work: Such as sales, service, and installation jobs that require frequent movement.
  • Remote Work: Suitable for situations where employees work from different locations.

Important Notes

  • Privacy Concerns: Ensure protection of employee privacy and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
  • Signal Coverage: Ensure good GPS signal to avoid issues due to weak signals.

GPS-based clock-in is an efficient, accurate, and convenient attendance method, particularly suitable for field and remote work environments, helping to enhance human resource management efficiency.

Restricting Clock-In by Bluetooth Range

Bluetooth-based clock-in utilizes Bluetooth technology to provide accurate attendance tracking in indoor environments, suitable for offices and similar locations, without the need for dedicated time clocks.

Feature Overview

  • Location Recognition: Uses Bluetooth signals to confirm employee location.
  • Low Power Consumption: Minimal impact on phone battery, suitable for long-term use.

How to Use

  1. Set Up Bluetooth Beacon: Install a Bluetooth beacon at the clock-in point, such as a Bluetooth speaker or printer.
  2. Employee Clock-In: The employee's phone receives the Bluetooth signal and automatically completes the clock-in.
  3. Data Recording: Clock-in data is instantly recorded on the company's server for management review.


  • Efficient Management: Enhances efficiency and accuracy in attendance management.
  • Convenient Clock-In: No need for specific time clocks; employees can clock in within the Bluetooth coverage area.
  • Real-Time Data: Managers can view clock-in records and work status in real-time.
  • Easy Deployment: Bluetooth beacons are easy to install and suitable for various indoor environments.

Applicable Scenarios

  • Indoor Environments: Such as offices, meeting rooms, and workstations.
  • Mobile Office: Suitable for work situations requiring flexible clock-in.

Important Notes

  • Signal Coverage: Ensure the Bluetooth beacon's coverage area is sufficient to avoid issues due to weak signals.
  • Device Compatibility: Ensure employees' phones can receive Bluetooth signals.

Bluetooth-based clock-in is an efficient, low-power attendance solution, particularly suitable for indoor and mobile office environments, helping to enhance human resource management efficiency.

Restricting Clock-In by Wi-Fi Point

Wi-Fi-based clock-in is a modern, efficient attendance method that uses Wi-Fi signals to accurately locate employees, particularly suitable for large indoor locations such as offices and warehouses.

Feature Overview

  • Location Recognition: Determines employee location through the Wi-Fi network connected to their device.
  • Accuracy and Stability: Provides higher accuracy and stability in indoor environments compared to GPS.

How to Use

  1. Connect to Wi-Fi: Employees connect to the company's Wi-Fi network.
  2. Automatic Clock-In: The system automatically captures the device's Wi-Fi connection information, recording the clock-in time and location.
  3. Data Recording: Clock-in data is recorded on the cloud-based SwipePoint server for management review.


  • Efficient Management: Enhances efficiency and accuracy in attendance management.
  • Convenient Clock-In: Employees can automatically clock in by connecting to the company's Wi-Fi network, eliminating the need for additional clock-in devices.
  • Cost Savings: Avoids the need for traditional time clocks and cards.
  • Real-Time Data: Managers can view clock-in records and work status in real-time.

Important Notes

  • Privacy Concerns: Consider employee privacy and data security.
  • Wi-Fi Signal Range: Ensure adequate Wi-Fi coverage in the workplace to avoid issues due to weak signals.

Wi-Fi-based clock-in is an efficient, accurate, and convenient attendance method, particularly suitable for large indoor work environments, enhancing management efficiency and reducing costs.

IP-Based Clock-In

Wi-Fi-based clock-in can be configured to include IP-based clock-in. IP-based clock-in functionality identifies the employee's device network IP address to determine the clock-in location, ensuring employees clock in only within specific locations or network ranges, making it particularly effective for office or designated remote work locations.

Feature Overview

  • Location Recognition: Verifies clock-in location through the employee's device IP address.
  • Accuracy: Ensures employees clock in at designated locations, reducing the possibility of clocking in from non-designated sites.
  • Applicable Scenarios: Especially suitable for fixed office locations and remote work scenarios.

How to Use

  1. Set Trusted IP Range: Administrators set the company's trusted IP address range in the backend.
  2. Employee Clock-In: Employees clock in using their devices at office locations or designated remote work sites.
  3. System Matching: SwipePoint automatically captures the device's IP address and matches it with the pre-set trusted IP address range.

Management Features

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Administrators can monitor employee clock-in locations in real-time.
  • Flexible Configuration: Allows adjustment and setting of trusted IP address ranges based on different work scenarios.


  • Efficient Management: Enhances efficiency and accuracy in attendance management.
  • Convenient Clock-In: Employees need only connect to the company's network, and the system automatically records clock-in information.
  • Cost Savings: No additional clock-in devices or cards required.

Important Notes

  • VPN Usage: VPN usage might affect the accuracy of the IP address.
  • Privacy Concerns: Employee location information might be accessed by the company, requiring attention to data privacy protection.

These simplified explanations will help your clients better understand and use the IP-based clock-in feature.

Allow Skipping Clock-In Points

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Allow Skipping Clock-In Points
  • Enable: Employees can click "Skip" when clocking in, bypassing the need to select a clock-in point.
  • Disable: Employees must select a clock-in point to complete the clock-in process.

Mandatory Recording of GPS Clock-In Location

By default, the system does not enable "Mandatory Recording of GPS Clock-In Location," allowing employees to choose whether to return their GPS location. If you wish to require all employees to return their clock-in location's GPS coordinates, please enable "Mandatory Recording of GPS Clock-In Location."