Clock-In Records and Management

Management Mode > Clock-In Records and Management

This feature allows administrators to view, add, or delete individual clock-in records, review clock-in exceptions and correction records, view modified records, configure clock-in points, and export clock-in and overtime records.

This feature provides administrators with comprehensive tools to monitor and manage users' (employees') clock-in-related records, improving the efficiency and accuracy of attendance management.

Feature Overview

Administrators can perform the following operations using this feature:

  1. View Clock-In Records: Access all user (employee) clock-in data, including regular clock-ins, exceptions, and modified records.
  2. Add or Delete Clock-In Records: Manually add or delete clock-in records for users (employees) to ensure data integrity and accuracy.
  3. Handle Exception Records:
    • Review and process correction requests submitted by users (employees).
    • Tag or correct clock-in exceptions.
  4. Configure Clock-In Points: Set up or update the locations required for user (employee) clock-ins to comply with company attendance policies.
  5. Export Records: Export clock-in and overtime data as reports for further analysis or integration with payroll systems.

Sources of Clock-In Records

Clock-in records can be added through the following means:

  1. User-Initiated Clock-Ins: Clock-ins recorded directly by the system.
  2. Clock-In Corrections: Corrections submitted by users (employees) due to exceptional circumstances, pending administrator approval.
  3. Administrator-Added Records: Records manually added by administrators to fill gaps or correct errors.

With comprehensive clock-in records and management features, administrators can address various attendance management needs effectively, ensuring data accuracy and enhancing overall management efficiency.

Deleting Clock-In Records

Users (employees) can delete their own clock-in records. Administrators with group management permissions can delete clock-in records within their group, while system creators and top-level administrators can delete all users' clock-in records.

Role Deletion Scope
User Can delete their own clock-in records.
Authorized Admin Can delete clock-in records within their group.
Creator/Admin Can delete all users' clock-in records.

Clock-In Correction Records

Management Mode > Clock-In Records and Management > Correction Records

This section allows you to view approved correction records.

Notes on Deleting Correction Records

If a correction request is submitted by a user (employee) and is deleted before being reviewed by the approver, the approver may receive error or incorrect notifications.

Modified Records

Management Mode > Clock-In Records and Management > Modified Records

Displays added and deleted records.

Export Clock-In Records

Management Mode > Clock-In Records and Management > Export Clock-In Records > Select Month

This section allows you to export clock-in records for a specific month. The exported file can be opened using Excel.

If the exported data has a (Correction) symbol next to the time, it indicates a correction record from a user (employee).

If the exported data has a (Admin) symbol next to the time, it indicates a record added by an administrator.

Reasons for Export Failure

Export failure may occur if your organization name contains special characters, such as " / ". To resolve this, update the Organization Name via the following path:

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Organization Name

Export Overtime Records

Management Mode > Clock-In Records and Management > Export Overtime Records > Select Month

This section allows you to export overtime clock-in records for a specific month. The exported file can be opened using Excel.

If the exported data has a (Correction) symbol next to the time, it indicates a correction record from a user (employee).

If the exported data has a (Admin) symbol next to the time, it indicates a record added by an administrator.

Export Detailed Clock-In Records (CSV)

Management Mode > Clock-In Records and Management > Export Detailed Clock-In Records (CSV) > Select Date Range

The exported detailed clock-in records contain fields in English. The corresponding Chinese terms are as follows:

English Chinese
Date 打卡日期
Time 打卡時間
Status 狀態
Schedule 值班
Attendance 考勤
Checkpoint 打卡點
GPS GPS位置(緯度,經度)
WiFi Wi-Fi
Bluetooth 藍芽
Overtime 加班
Approved 補打卡
Created 管理員新增紀錄
Notes 備註

Solution to Garbled Characters

When opening CSV files in Excel on a Windows computer, you may encounter garbled characters due to mismatched encoding formats. By default, Excel prefers ANSI (e.g., Big5) or UTF-16, while many systems or applications export CSV files in UTF-8.

Method 1: Save the CSV File in a Compatible Encoding Format

  1. Open the CSV file in a text editor (e.g., Notepad++ or VS Code).
  2. Choose Save As.
  3. Select ANSI (Big5 for Traditional Chinese environments) or UTF-8 with BOM in the encoding options.
  4. Save the file and reopen it in Excel.

Method 2: Use Excel's "Text File Import Wizard"

  1. Open Excel and create a blank workbook.
  2. Go to Data > Get Data > From Text/CSV (or "Import Text File" depending on the version).
  3. Browse and select your CSV file.
  4. Choose the correct encoding format (e.g., UTF-8 or Big5) during the import process.
  5. Complete the import to display the data correctly.

This manual strives for accuracy and completeness, but we do not assume any liability for errors, omissions, or updates. The content may be modified at any time without prior notice. We are not responsible for any damages arising from the use of this manual or downloading its contents, including but not limited to system failures, data loss, or infringement of rights. Users assume full responsibility and risk.