Leave Application Function

Admin Mode > Organization > My Organization > Leave Application Function
  • Enabled: Employees can apply for leave online.
  • Disabled: Employees cannot apply for leave online.

Set Leave Approver

Admin Mode > HR > Personal Data > Select Employee > Leave Approver

After creating a group within the organization, you can assign managers and members to each group, allowing tasks to be distributed according to the designated managers. In addition to managers, leave approval rights can be assigned to the highest authority if no specific settings are made.

The creator, top administrator, and group manager all have the authority to approve leave. A manager needs to assign a "Leave Approver" for each employee. When an employee requests leave, the leave application will first be sent to this "Leave Approver." The leave will only be officially approved once it has been approved by them.

By default, the employee's "Leave Approver" is the organization's creator.

Leave Management

Admin Mode > Leave

Here, you can manage leave applications, leave approvals, leave records, export leave records, leave policies, and national holidays.

Leave Application

Admin Mode > Leave > Leave Application

After selecting an employee, you can view their leave status.

Add Leave Application

Admin Mode > Leave > Leave Application > Employee > Add Leave Application

You can add a leave application for a specific employee.

Delete Leave Application

Admin Mode > Leave > Leave Application > Employee > Select Leave Record > Delete

You can delete a leave application for a specific employee.

Leave Approval

Admin Mode > Leave > Leave Approval

Mainly for managing "annual leave" and "compensatory leave."

Add Leave Approval

Admin Mode > Leave > Leave Approval > Employee > Add Leave Approval

You can add leave approval for a specific employee, including "annual leave" or "compensatory leave."

Delete Leave Approval

Admin Mode > Leave > Leave Approval > Employee > Select Leave Approval Record > Delete

You can delete leave approval for a specific employee, removing "annual leave" or "compensatory leave."

Reset Annual Leave

When the annual leave cycle is over, the standard procedure is to deduct the remaining annual leave by converting it into a negative balance, noting it for payroll adjustment, and then allotting the new annual leave for the next year.

Leave Records

Admin Mode > Leave > Leave Records

View the leave records of all employees.

Export Leave Records

Admin Mode > Leave > Export Leave Records

You can export leave records here.

Leave Policies

Admin Mode > Leave > Leave Policies

In addition to government-mandated leave types, custom leave types can also be created.

National Holidays

Admin Mode > Leave > National Holidays

In addition to the national holidays set by the Taiwan government, you can also add custom holidays.