
Management Mode > Organization

My Organization

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization

Organization Name

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Organization Name

Here, you can modify the organization name. It is recommended to use mainly Chinese, English, and numbers.

Note! Do not enter special characters.

Invitation Code

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Invitation Code

When new personnel join the organization, they can either scan this QR code or enter the invitation code.

Time Unit

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Time Unit

Sets the smallest time unit for leave applications. Options include 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour.

Punch-in Correction Function

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Punch-in Correction Function
  • Enabled: Employees can apply for punch-in corrections online.
  • Disabled: Employees cannot apply for punch-in corrections online.

Limit Punch-in Corrections

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Limit Punch-in Corrections
  • Enabled: The number of punch-in corrections employees can make is limited. Once the limit is exceeded, further corrections are not allowed.
  • Disabled: There is no limit to the number of punch-in corrections.

Reset Punch-in Correction Limit

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Limit Punch-in Corrections > Reset

Clicking "Reset" will reset the punch-in correction limit for all personnel to 12 times.

Leave Application Function

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Leave Application Function
  • Enabled: Employees can apply for leave online.
  • Disabled: Employees cannot apply for leave online.

Overtime Punch-in Function

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Overtime Punch-in Function
  • Enabled: Employees can punch in for overtime.
  • Disabled: Employees cannot punch in for overtime.

Allow Skipping Shift Selection for Punch-in

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Allow Skipping Shift Selection for Punch-in
  • Enabled: Employees can skip shift selection when punching in.
  • Disabled: Employees must select a shift to punch in.

Allow Skipping Punch-in Location

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Allow Skipping Punch-in Location
  • Enabled: Employees can skip selecting a punch-in location when punching in.
  • Disabled: Employees must select a punch-in location to punch in.

Delete Organization

Management Mode > Organization > My Organization > Delete Organization

Here, you can delete the organization.

Note! Once the organization is deleted, all related data will be permanently erased and cannot be recovered.


Management Mode > Organization > Groups

Group settings allow a group manager to manage only the personnel within their group. The organization creator can manage all personnel, but managers are limited to the group they are assigned to.

Active Personnel

Management Mode > Organization > Active Personnel

Displays currently active employees.

Former Personnel

Management Mode > Organization > Former Personnel

Displays employees who have left the organization.

Personal Information

Management Mode > Organization > Former Personnel > Select Employee > Personal Information

Administrators can view and edit the personal information of former employees.

Punch-in Records

Management Mode > Organization > Former Personnel > Select Employee > Punch-in Records

Administrators can view, but not add, punch-in records for former employees.

Leave Records

Management Mode > Organization > Former Personnel > Select Employee > Leave

Administrators can view and add leave records for former employees.

Leave Allocation

Management Mode > Organization > Former Personnel > Select Employee > Leave Allocation

Administrators can view and add leave allocation records for former employees.

Shift Records

Management Mode > Organization > Former Personnel > Select Employee > Shift

Administrators can view and add shift records for former employees.


Management Mode > Organization > Former Personnel > Select Employee > Performance

Administrators can view and add performance records for former employees.


Management Mode > Organization > Former Personnel > Select Employee > Delete

Permanently deletes a former employee's data. Once deleted, the data cannot be recovered.

Employee Set as Former Personnel

When an employee is marked as having left the organization, they are automatically removed from the organization and can no longer see any organization-related data. If they rejoin, they will only see punch-in records from the day they rejoined.

It is advised not to mark an employee as former before their final paycheck has been processed, as punch-in records cannot be modified afterward.

Can Former Personnel Be Reinstated as Active Employees?

Once an employee is set as former personnel, they cannot be changed back to active status. They must reapply to join the organization.

Management Permissions

Management Mode > Organization > Management Permissions

Newly joined personnel do not have management permissions by default and cannot access management mode.


Management Mode > Organization > Management Permissions > Default

Management roles are divided into Creator, Highest Administrator, Assigned Permissions (Manager), and No Permissions. The Creator or Highest Administrator can grant management rights to personnel. To assign management permissions, select the person's name, then click on "Default" in the top right corner and choose to set them as "Manager" or "Highest Administrator." You can also copy permissions from other users.

Additionally, specific permissions can be assigned to managers, including visibility of personnel, organization information, groups, personal information, payroll, schedules, performance, leave, attendance, punch-in records, adding new employees, viewing years of service, creating announcements, adding policies, and setting targets.

  • Not Allowed: The manager cannot view the data.
  • View Only: The manager can view the data but cannot modify or delete it.
  • Editor: The manager can modify or delete the data.

Currently, the Creator role cannot be transferred to another manager, and the Creator cannot be deleted. It is recommended that the Creator be someone who will not leave the organization. If you anticipate the Creator might leave, it is advisable to create a new organization under the company owner or another long-term role.

Personnel Display

Management Mode > Organization > Management Permissions > Personnel Display

Personnel display can be set to either Group or All Personnel. If set to "All Personnel," the manager can view and manage everyone in the organization. If set to "Group," the manager can only manage personnel within their assigned group.