Human Resources

Management Mode > Human Resources

Personal Information

Management Mode > Human Resources > Personal Information

Allows viewing or editing of employee personal information, including name, nickname, employee ID, tags, gender, date of birth, mobile number, email, address, work responsibility type, allowed IP addresses, punch-in review approver, leave approver, overtime approver, remote work approver, business trip approver, group, position, hourly wage, daily wage, monthly salary, hire date, official employment, extension number, and emergency contacts.

Tags are used for message distribution.

Work responsibility types are categorized as requiring punch-in or not requiring punch-in.

How to Set a Leave Approver

After creating groups within the organization, managers and personnel can be added to each group, allowing you to assign leave approval permissions based on the designated managers. In addition to managers, the leave approval permission can be granted to the highest authority if no specific manager is assigned.

Leave Approval

Management Mode > Human Resources > Personal Information > Select Employee Name > Leave Approver

Authorized leave approvers: Creator, highest authority, group manager.


Management Mode > Human Resources > Performance

Displays employee performance records.


Management Mode > Human Resources > Directory

Displays the employee directory.


Management Mode > Human Resources > Birthdays

Displays employee birthdates.

Years of Service

Management Mode > Human Resources > Years of Service

Displays employee years of service.

Employee Uploads

Management Mode > Human Resources > Employee Uploads

Displays documents uploaded by employees.

Download Documents

Management Mode > Human Resources > Download Documents

Displays documents available for employees to download.

Export Personal Information

Management Mode > Human Resources > Export Personal Information

Allows exporting employee personal information in Excel format (.xlsx). Fields include employee ID, name, English name, gender, birth date, hire date, official employment, extension number, mobile phone, and emergency contacts 1 and 2.